A Thief’s Guide to Alchemy: The Essentials of Urban Alchemy, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir Beginning December 2

A Thief’s Guide to Alchemy: The Essentials of Urban Alchemy, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir Beginning December 2

from 125.00

4-week online class
Thursdays, December 2, 9, 16, and 23
7-9 pm Eastern (NYC) time
$145 ($125 for $5/a month and above Patreon members)

Taught via Zoom by Brian Cotnoir
PLEASE NOTE: All classes will also be recorded and archived for students who cannot make that time

A Thief’s Guide to Alchemy is a four-part course examining the history, theory, and practice of alchemy in its various forms and aspects. Working from primary sources, the course will provide a solid foundation for any future work or research into alchemy and its practices. It will also outline how to set up for practical work in a small space with simple equipment assembled from ordinary things from hardware or kitchen supply stores. 

This course is open to all, regardless of one’s experience or knowledge of alchemy. It is perfect for the absolute beginner, as we will start from the very basic foundations and first principles in developing our study. And there is plenty here for the advanced student of alchemy, as paths to a deeper work will be indicated with textual support provided through advanced readings.

A Thief’s Guide to Alchemy: The Essentials of Urban Alchemy is an occasional series of talks and workshops focused on providing the basics of theory and practice for the small cramped urban environments we may find ourselves in. 

Class 1 – Foundations

  • Introduction to Alchemy – scope and definition of alchemy

  • Overview of Creation, Cosmos, World Views, and Theories

  • Signs and Symbols – How to Read an Alchemical Text

  • The Emerald Tablet

Class 2 – Evolution and Spread.

  • Alchemy’s history, its forms, key practices, and development.

  • Greco-Roman alchemy

  • Byzantine alchemy

  • Islamic alchemy

  • European alchemy

  • India, Tibet, China,

  • Contemporary alchemy

Class 3 – The Alchemical “Problems

  • Transmutation

  • Quintessence

  • Aurum Potabile

  • Volatilization of Salt

  • Malleable Glass

  • Artificial Gems

  • Inner Alchemy

Class 4 – Alchemical Practice

  • Theory into Practice

  • Key Practices – Distillation, Calcination, Circulation.

  • The Lab/oratory – The Locus of Practice

  • Setting Up and Simple Fundamental Project Outlines

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