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Make your Own Memento Mori: Befriending Death with Art, History and the Imagination with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning April 6, 2022

from 125.00

Death and Resurrection As Muse: Stirring Your Creativity in Times of Crisis with Tarot’s Forgotten Iconography, Symbolism and Storytelling Power, with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning April 6 2022

from 95.00
The Mythologies of Death: Psychopomps, Liminal Spaces, and Underworld Realms; A Live, Online Six Week Class with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning March 13 1920px-Arnold_Böcklin_-_Die_Toteninsel_I_(Basel,_Kunstmuseum).jpeg

The Mythologies of Death: Psychopomps, Liminal Spaces, and Underworld Realms; A Live, Online Six Week Class with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning March 13

from 145.00
The Anatomical Venus: Wax, Death, God and the Ecstatic: A Six Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning March 15 Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 6.05.10 AM.png

The Anatomical Venus: Wax, Death, God and the Ecstatic: A Six Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning March 15

from 145.00
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Danse Macabre and Daredevil Flappers: Exploring the Art, Symbolism and Practice of The Carnival of the End of the World Tarot by Kahn + Selesnick with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning April 7, 2022

from 110.00
The Stalactites of Reason: The Suit of Swords of the Tarot, Winter Solstice and the Warm Embrace of Death, with Morbid Anatomy’s Laetitia Barbier, beginning February 26th, 2022 French-Sacred-Heart-HolyCard-GraphicsFairy.jpeg

The Stalactites of Reason: The Suit of Swords of the Tarot, Winter Solstice and the Warm Embrace of Death, with Morbid Anatomy’s Laetitia Barbier, beginning February 26th, 2022

from 99.00

Orphic Realms: An Introductory Course to Intuitive Tarot with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning March 10th

from 95.00
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Memento Mori Studio: An Eight Week Making Group Live, Online with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, begins May 14, 2022

from 125.00
The Art of Tarot Journaling: Archetypal Introspection & Self Exploration for a Daily Practice, with Laetitia Barbier , starting March 19 2022

The Art of Tarot Journaling: Archetypal Introspection & Self Exploration for a Daily Practice, with Laetitia Barbier , starting March 19 2022

from 99.00
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Harvest of Gold: The Suit of Coins in the Tarot, Fall Equinox and the Poetic Language of the Land, with Morbid Anatomy's Laetitia Barbier, Beginning December 4th

from 99.00
The Andean Cosmovision: A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature and the Cosmos: A Three-Hour Live, Online Workshop and Meditation Practice with Dr Oakley Gordon, Feb 26 D67419DE-AE3A-4574-88B8-1DEB8BDC1D36 (1).jpeg

The Andean Cosmovision: A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature and the Cosmos: A Three-Hour Live, Online Workshop and Meditation Practice with Dr Oakley Gordon, Feb 26

from 50.00
Beyond Mind: An Introduction to the Ancient Eastern Preliminary Practice of Perception: A Five-Week Class with Meditation Teacher Bryan Melillo, beginning March 6, 2022

Beyond Mind: An Introduction to the Ancient Eastern Preliminary Practice of Perception: A Five-Week Class with Meditation Teacher Bryan Melillo, beginning March 6, 2022

from 145.00
Death Meditation Introduction Workshop: A Four-Part Series of Guided Meditations with trained Meditation and Pranayama Teacher Bryan Melillo, Beginning Feb 6, 2022

Death Meditation Introduction Workshop: A Four-Part Series of Guided Meditations with trained Meditation and Pranayama Teacher Bryan Melillo, Beginning Feb 6, 2022

Making Art About Death: A Six-Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist and Educator Jill Littlewood Beginning February 13 IMG_0752.jpg

Making Art About Death: A Six-Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist and Educator Jill Littlewood Beginning February 13

from 115.00
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Transformative Portraiture: Visualizing Pain, Death, and the Afterlife: A Live, Online Class with Artist and Digital Technologist Virgil Wong, Beginning March 15, 2022

from 125.00
Waking Up in Dreamtime: The How and Why of Lucid Dreaming: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Beginning March 5, 2022

Waking Up in Dreamtime: The How and Why of Lucid Dreaming: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Beginning March 5, 2022

from 100.00
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Wisely Navigate Your Dream World: Discover Your Personal Archetypes and Learn How to Receive the Gifts of Your Dream Life with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Beginning May 7, 2022

from 100.00
Harness the Creativity of Your Dreams Through Art Making: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Begins Feb 5, 2022 salvador-dali-pomegranate.jpeg

Harness the Creativity of Your Dreams Through Art Making: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Begins Feb 5, 2022

from 100.00
Make Your Own Visionary Art: A Live, Online Class Led by Medium Tiffany Hopkins with Special Guests, Beginning February 19 121400975_343055246803632_3760422086340794813_n.jpg

Make Your Own Visionary Art: A Live, Online Class Led by Medium Tiffany Hopkins with Special Guests, Beginning February 19

from 30.00

Myth in Alchemy: From Homer to the Chymical Gods: A Four-Week Live, Online Course with Alchemist Brian Cotnoir, Beginning February 3, 2022

from 125.00
Splendor Solis: A Four Week Online Class on Alchemy and The Image, with Alchemist and Artist Brian Cotnoir, Beginning March 3, 2022 4+solis13.jpeg

Splendor Solis: A Four Week Online Class on Alchemy and The Image, with Alchemist and Artist Brian Cotnoir, Beginning March 3, 2022

from 125.00
Learn the Art of Crafting Clay and Make Your Own Reliquary: A Six Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist, Art Therapist, and Educator Katie Croft, Beginning March 3, 2022 Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 12.24.15 PM.png

Learn the Art of Crafting Clay and Make Your Own Reliquary: A Six Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist, Art Therapist, and Educator Katie Croft, Beginning March 3, 2022

from 125.00
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Puppet as Portal: A Five-Week Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, Beginning March 29, 2022

from 145.00
Decadent Art Salon: A Season in Hell with Morbid Anatomy: A Live, Online 7 Week Atelier Arts Course with Artist, Educator, and Morbid Anatomy European Attaché Eleanor Crook, Beginning May 1, 2022 Henri Regnault Salome.jpg

Decadent Art Salon: A Season in Hell with Morbid Anatomy: A Live, Online 7 Week Atelier Arts Course with Artist, Educator, and Morbid Anatomy European Attaché Eleanor Crook, Beginning May 1, 2022

from 190.00
Music, Healing and Deep Listening: Reawaken your Innate Musicality and Discover its Healing Power: A Live, Online Class with Musician and Educator Mikey Kirkpatrick Beginning February 6, 2022

Music, Healing and Deep Listening: Reawaken your Innate Musicality and Discover its Healing Power: A Live, Online Class with Musician and Educator Mikey Kirkpatrick Beginning February 6, 2022

from 120.00
Dark Arts: Using Shadow Play as an Artist’s Medium: A Live, Online Class with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, Beginning Tuesday, May 3 e9869b76dbb409a6b9523c62e14ae3d7.jpg

Dark Arts: Using Shadow Play as an Artist’s Medium: A Live, Online Class with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, Beginning Tuesday, May 3

from 145.00
"Frankenstein", Race, and Technology: An Online Reading Group with Dr. Wendy C. Nielsen, Author of "Motherless Creations: Fictions of Artificial Life, 1650-1890", Begins March 9, 2022

"Frankenstein", Race, and Technology: An Online Reading Group with Dr. Wendy C. Nielsen, Author of "Motherless Creations: Fictions of Artificial Life, 1650-1890", Begins March 9, 2022

from 65.00
Alchemy Becomes Art: A Visual History of Hermetic Philosophy from Ancient Egypt to 19th-Century Symbolists: A Two-Week Online Class with Robert M. Place, begins Feb 12, 2022

Alchemy Becomes Art: A Visual History of Hermetic Philosophy from Ancient Egypt to 19th-Century Symbolists: A Two-Week Online Class with Robert M. Place, begins Feb 12, 2022

from 100.00
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Elemental Burlesque: The Mystique of Seductive Dance with Jo Weldon, Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, Beginning January 9 2022

from 125.00

Victorian Hairwork: Mourning, Memory Object, and Craft with Master Jeweler, Educator and Art Historian Karen Bachmann, Beginning March 1, 2022

from 175.00
Alchemy and Music: Matter, Geometry, and the Ascent of the Soul, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir Beginning January 6 Bryenius Harmonics AMS Historica 000027 EDIT copy.jpg

Alchemy and Music: Matter, Geometry, and the Ascent of the Soul, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir Beginning January 6

from 125.00

Everyday Planetary Magic: A Seven-Part Series on Simple Star Sorcery and Spellcraft with Historian Dr. Alexander Cummins, Beginning March 27, 2022

from 50.00

Necromancy: History and Practice: A Live, Online Workshop with Historian Dr. Alexander Cummins on March 6, 2022


"Along the Way I Told A Tale: My Life In Tarot, Story-Telling, and Magic," with Tarot Legend Rachel Pollack, April 10

from 50.00
The Art of Ritual: Changing Ways of Life and Death: A Five-Week Online Class Led by Author and Educator Tony Wolf Beginning April 20 pasted image 0.png

The Art of Ritual: Changing Ways of Life and Death: A Five-Week Online Class Led by Author and Educator Tony Wolf Beginning April 20

from 130.00

In-Person Spider Preservation and Pinning Class with Taxidermist Divya Anantharaman, March 20, 2022


In-Person Mouse Taxidermy Class with Taxidermist Divya Anantharaman, May 15, 2022

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In-Person Sparrow Skeleton Dome Class with Taxidermist Divya Anantharaman, April 17, 2022

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PAST CLASS The Death and Resurrection Show: From Shaman to Superstar: A Reading Group Led by Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning January 22, 2022

from 65.00
PAST CLASS Enchanted Matter, Ensouled Objects, and Bodily Possession: Matter as Container for Soul, Spirit or Deity, with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein and Guest Speakers, Begins September 2 devil copy.jpg

PAST CLASS Enchanted Matter, Ensouled Objects, and Bodily Possession: Matter as Container for Soul, Spirit or Deity, with Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein and Guest Speakers, Begins September 2

from 145.00
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PAST CLASS In-Person 4-Student Grey Squirrel Taxidermy with Divya Anantharaman


PAST CLASS In-Person 4-Student English Sparrow Taxidermy Class with Divya Anantharaman

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PAST CLASS In-Person 4-StudentMouse Taxidermy Class with Divya Anantharaman

PAST CLASS  Tarot as a Medium: Reading For the Dead, Reading With the Dead: a Live, Online Class with Tarot Legend Rachel Pollack
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PAST CLASS Tarot as a Medium: Reading For the Dead, Reading With the Dead: a Live, Online Class with Tarot Legend Rachel Pollack

from 50.00
PAST CLASS Thief’s Guide to Alchemy: The Essentials of Urban Alchemy, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir, Beginning December 2 Aurora Consurgiens 15 Sun and Moon on horseback joust copy.jpg

PAST CLASS Thief’s Guide to Alchemy: The Essentials of Urban Alchemy, A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Brian Cotnoir, Beginning December 2

from 125.00
Divining with Oracle Cards: History and Practice, with Robert M. Place, Creator of The Alchemical Tarot.

Divining with Oracle Cards: History and Practice, with Robert M. Place, Creator of The Alchemical Tarot.

from 50.00
PAST CLASS The Trickster and The Paranormal Come to Life: A Live, Online Reading Group led by Medium Tiffany Hopkins with Author and Parapsychology Researcher George P. Hansen, Beginning October 23

PAST CLASS The Trickster and The Paranormal Come to Life: A Live, Online Reading Group led by Medium Tiffany Hopkins with Author and Parapsychology Researcher George P. Hansen, Beginning October 23

from 65.00
PAST CLASS The Afterlife, The Lands of the Dead, and Communications with the Beyond: A Live, Online Zoom Class, Led by Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein with Practitioner Guest Speakers e4cd6a4d1446c73ef93d55759ecf847a.jpg

PAST CLASS The Afterlife, The Lands of the Dead, and Communications with the Beyond: A Live, Online Zoom Class, Led by Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein with Practitioner Guest Speakers

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Matriarchal Societies: A Virtual, Online Reading Group led by Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning May 15 Θεά_των_Όφεων_6393_(cropped).jpg
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PAST CLASS: Matriarchal Societies: A Virtual, Online Reading Group led by Morbid Anatomy Founder Joanna Ebenstein, Beginning May 15

from 65.00
PAST CLASS: Archaeology of the Self Part 2: The Canyons of Your Mind: A 4-Week Online Course in Creativity with Artist Eleanor Crook, Live on Zoom Beginning July 4 1200px-Albrecht_Dürer_-_Melencolia_I_-_Google_Art_Project_(_AGDdr3EHmNGyA) (1).jpg
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PAST CLASS: Archaeology of the Self Part 2: The Canyons of Your Mind: A 4-Week Online Course in Creativity with Artist Eleanor Crook, Live on Zoom Beginning July 4

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Morbid Anatomy Art Studio: A 6-Week Online Course in Anatomical Art with Sculptor and Medical Artist Eleanor Crook, Beginning June 1 E Crook watercolour - 1.jpeg
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PAST CLASS: Morbid Anatomy Art Studio: A 6-Week Online Course in Anatomical Art with Sculptor and Medical Artist Eleanor Crook, Beginning June 1

from 175.00
PAST CLASS: Spiritualist Book Club with Medium Tiffany Hopkins, monthly on the 15th from January-May

PAST CLASS: Spiritualist Book Club with Medium Tiffany Hopkins, monthly on the 15th from January-May

from 20.00
PAST CLASS: Mediumship for Creativity: A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Medium Tiffany Hopkins, Beginning May 3
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PAST CLASS: Mediumship for Creativity: A Four-Week Online Zoom Class with Medium Tiffany Hopkins, Beginning May 3

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Crafting a Personal Talisman: Object and Image as Portal to the Creative Self: A Live, Online Class Taught via Zoom by Artist/Stylist Rebecca Purcell MonastaryWork.png
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PAST CLASS: Crafting a Personal Talisman: Object and Image as Portal to the Creative Self: A Live, Online Class Taught via Zoom by Artist/Stylist Rebecca Purcell

PAST CLASS: Make Your Own Archetypal Mask: Heal, Transform, Liberate and Empower: A Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist and Educator Bryan Melillo MaskClass.jpg
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PAST CLASS: Make Your Own Archetypal Mask: Heal, Transform, Liberate and Empower: A Live, Online Zoom Class with Artist and Educator Bryan Melillo

from 175.00
PAST CLASS: The Archaeology of the Self: A Four Week Arts Course in Creative Exploration with Artist Eleanor Crook, Live on Zoom Beginning April 11
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PAST CLASS: The Archaeology of the Self: A Four Week Arts Course in Creative Exploration with Artist Eleanor Crook, Live on Zoom Beginning April 11

from 125.00
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PAST CLASS: Silence of the Lambs Book Club: Live, On Zoom, Taught by True Crime Writer Harold Schechter, Author of The A to Z Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, on October 23

from 30.00
PAST CLASS: The Devil Inside: An FX Makeup Crash Course with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, on October 16 and 17 IMG_0035_1024 copy.jpg

PAST CLASS: The Devil Inside: An FX Makeup Crash Course with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, on October 16 and 17

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Trip the Night, LEGENDARY: Create a Dark Travelogue: A Four-Week Online Course with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, Beginning June 2 1_4uI02Krn_o9kcqGDtDKAVA.jpeg
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PAST CLASS: Trip the Night, LEGENDARY: Create a Dark Travelogue: A Four-Week Online Course with Artist and Educator Alisa Sickora Kleckner, Beginning June 2

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Alchemy and the Symbolics of Color: A Four-Week Online Class with Alchemist Brian Cotnoir, Beginning August 5
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PAST CLASS: Alchemy and the Symbolics of Color: A Four-Week Online Class with Alchemist Brian Cotnoir, Beginning August 5

from 125.00
PAST CLASS: Gods and Goddesses of the Tarot, with Rachel Pollack, Author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom, on February 13
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PAST CLASS: Gods and Goddesses of the Tarot, with Rachel Pollack, Author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom, on February 13

from 50.00
PAST CLASS: Tarot and The Mysteries, with Rachel Pollack, Author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom, on November 15 Pretitorum Raptore.jpg
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PAST CLASS: Tarot and The Mysteries, with Rachel Pollack, Author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom, on November 15

from 50.00
PAST CLASS: Tarot and The Secret Tradition: Workshop with Mary K. Greer, Author of Tarot for Your Self, on March 20
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PAST CLASS: Tarot and The Secret Tradition: Workshop with Mary K. Greer, Author of Tarot for Your Self, on March 20

from 50.00
PAST CLASS: On Ruins, Old and New: Online Zoom Class with Celeste Olalquiaga, author of "The Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience" Giovanni Bellini, Saint Geronimous reading, 1480.jpg
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PAST CLASS: On Ruins, Old and New: Online Zoom Class with Celeste Olalquiaga, author of "The Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kitsch Experience"

from 145.00

Death Meditation: A Weekly Guided Meditation with Eastern-Trained Meditation Teacher and End of Life Doula Bryan Melillo

from 20.00