Waking Up in Dreamtime: The How and Why of Lucid Dreaming: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Beginning March 5, 2022

Waking Up in Dreamtime: The How and Why of Lucid Dreaming: A Three-Week Online Course with Educator and Dream Worker Tristy Taylor, Beginning March 5, 2022

from 100.00

Saturdays, March 5, 12, and 19, 2022
3 pm to 5 pm ET, Noon to 2 pm PT, 8 to 10pm London, 9 to 11pm Paris/Amsterdam
$125 / $100 (Patreon Members $5/and above)

PLEASE NOTE: All classes will also be recorded and archived for students who cannot make that time, but it is highly recommended you attend the classes live for the richest experience.

If you have ever become aware that you were dreaming while still being in the dream, then you have experienced a lucid dream!

In a lucid dream, you can control any and all aspects of the dream, essentially doing whatever you want with no boundaries like gravity or linear time. It’s one of the most powerful tools you can use to be a powerful navigator of your dream time.

Lucid dreaming has been documented since at least the fourth century B.C.E in the writings of Greek philosopher Aristotle. Cultivating the ability to be aware while dreaming is also central to the ancient Hindu practice of Yoga nidra and the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream Yoga. Scientific research of lucid dreaming began as early as 1913, and many theories and practices have emerged over the last 100 years. In this class, we will explore both ancient and modern theories of lucid dreaming, including tools you can implement in your own life to become more lucid in your dreams.

Lucid Dreaming offers endless possibilities to transform your waking life. For example, lucid dreaming has helped many people transform repetitive nightmares. It’s also great for problem-solving and decision making. Some lucid dreamers have worked on healing injured and diseased parts of their body in the dreamtime, which translated into actual documented physical healing in their waking state. Lucid dreaming is even good for practicing a skill you want to get better at in waking life, because it has been scientifically proven that when we lucidly practice a skill in dream time, we enhance our neuroplasticity in exactly the same way as practicing it in real life, because the brain believes it is actually doing that thing.

Whether you are already a skilled lucid dreamer, or fear that you will never be able to do it, this class series has something vibrant and valuable to offer you. There will also be space in the class for students to share their own lucid dreaming questions and experiences to explore with the group.

By the end of the class, students will have a solid foundation to start (or continue!) lucid dreaming, and be able to live a richer and wiser life through this powerful dreaming tool.

Tristy Taylor is a Portland, Oregon-based dream worker, teacher, ordained interfaith minister and animal communicator. Raised by world-renowned dream worker Jeremy Taylor--co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams--and dream artist Kathryn Taylor, she has been working with her dreams from the very beginning. Before she could write, she was drawing and talking about her dreams at the breakfast table, and therefore grew up with a deep connection and an ever-deepening wisdom in how the dream world works. She has been leading dream groups since she was 15-years old, and over the last three decades, she has grown her own dream work offerings to include art making and ritual as guided by the dream world, as well as opening the rich secrets of nightmare imagery. She has a Masters of Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University, and she is currently adjunct faculty at the Chaplaincy Institute for Interfaith Ministry, where she teaches Dreamwork, Ritual Crafting, and Being with Death and Dying. She sees clients one-on-one and also facilitates online dream workshops every season. Find out more about her work and sign up for her newsletter at www.createwithspirit.com.

Image: El sueño, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, 1883

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