The Stalactites of Reason: The Suit of Swords of the Tarot, Winter Solstice and the Warm Embrace of Death, with Morbid Anatomy’s Laetitia Barbier, Beginning January 8 French-Sacred-Heart-HolyCard-GraphicsFairy.jpeg

The Stalactites of Reason: The Suit of Swords of the Tarot, Winter Solstice and the Warm Embrace of Death, with Morbid Anatomy’s Laetitia Barbier, Beginning January 8

from $99.00
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Death and Resurrection As Muse: Stirring Your Creativity in Times of Crisis with Tarot’s Forgotten Iconography, Symbolism and Storytelling Power, with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning January 12

from $95.00
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Orphic Realms: An Introductory Course to Intuitive Tarot with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning January 25

from $95.00
Sallie Nichols' "Tarot and The Archetypal Journey": A Reading Group and Experiential Class led by Laetitia Barbier, with Introductory Remarks by Mary K. Greer, Beginning January 29 unnamed-4.jpg

Sallie Nichols' "Tarot and The Archetypal Journey": A Reading Group and Experiential Class led by Laetitia Barbier, with Introductory Remarks by Mary K. Greer, Beginning January 29

from $60.00
The Art of Tarot Journaling: Archetypal Introspection and Self Exploration for a Daily Practice, with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning February 15 angel-of-the-eighth-sphere.jpg

The Art of Tarot Journaling: Archetypal Introspection and Self Exploration for a Daily Practice, with Laetitia Barbier, Beginning February 15

from $99.00