Mediumship for Creativity with Practicing Medium, Educator and Futurist Tiffany Hopkins, Beginning January 11

Mediumship for Creativity with Practicing Medium, Educator and Futurist Tiffany Hopkins, Beginning January 11

from $175.00

Dates: Wednesdays January 11, 18, 25, February 8, 15, 22, 2023 (note a one week gap, skipping 2/1)
Time: 7-9 pm EST
$195 ($175 for $5/a month and above Patreon members)

PLEASE NOTE: All classes will also be recorded and archived for students who cannot make that time

Mediumship is traditionally focused on receiving personal messages for the living from loved ones who have passed away. This class will take the principles of mediumship and apply them to the creative process as a means of tapping into a source of inspiration that lies beyond our own minds, whether you choose to call that the dead, our unconscious or higher selves, Mother Earth, or any other form which cannot be known through our physical senses.

In this updated six week class, we will develop our ability to be inspired by the unseen when, where and how we choose; it is always there, we just need to learn how to perceive it. This class will—via lectures, demonstrations, guided meditation, exercises, readings and discussion—provide an intellectual framework along with energetic practices that will help students explore spirit connection during various points of the creative process. Students are asked to choose a specific creative form or project to practice throughout the class. We will have time in the last class to share our process and resultant works.

Students are encouraged to join the weekly practice circles on Friday evenings. If you’ve taken Mediumship for Creativity in the past, a lot of the material has been updated and deepened, you are welcome to join again.

Week One: History & Choosing a Form

Foundational information about mediumship from a historical and practical perspective.

Week Two: Quieting & Centering

Making space for subtle communication and establishing a connection with ourselves.

Week Three: Asking & Identifying

Practicing noticing, directing focus, consent and opening the connection outside of ourselves.

Week Four: Receiving & Translating

Learning to listen, externalize what we receive and using the three minds: engagement, acknowledgement and assessment.

Week Five: Managing the Connection

Turning the connection on and off and reviewing the entire process.

Week Six: Project Sharing & Closing

How to move forward with your practice and hearing from fellow students about how they use theirs.

Tiffany J. Hopkins (she/her) began studying mediumship after moving into her great-great grandmother's cottage in Lily Dale, the world's largest community of Spiritualists. She combines a university-trained intellect with a universe-connected heart to bring flashes of understanding to the mostly incomprehensible world of mediumship. She is a practicing medium, educator, independent futurist and she’d like you to join her over at Normalize Talking to the Dead.

Main artwork: Unseen Hours: Space Clearing for Spirit Work translates the imagery and calligraphic spirit writing of gift drawings made by Shaker sisters in the 1840s into a colorful cut-paper floor drawing. Maria Molteni (they/she) & Allison Halter (she/her). 2021, Cut paper, paint. Image from Sacred Sheets, a film about the work by Gabe Elder (he/him).

Additional artworks:

Bough House / Bauhaus, 2020, Maria Molteni. After Spiritualism: Loss and Transcendence in Contemporary Art, curated by Lisa Crossman, Fitchburg Art Museum, MA

Seven Sisters (Celestial Subduction), 2021 Maria Molteni. Fremont Theatre, San Luis Obispo, CA photos by Stephen Heraldo of Heraldo Creative Studi

Ectoplasm Selfies, 2016 Maria Molteni, Nathan Mondragon and Ash Capachione

Hoop Dreams, 2018 Maria Molteni. Facebook Artist In Residence, Cambridge, MA

Maria Molteni (They/She, b 1983, Nashville) is a queer transdisciplinary artist, educator and mystic. They are the grandchild of Tennessee (Cherokee, Shawnee, Yuchi lands) square dancers, stunt motorcyclists, quilters, beekeepers and opera singers of various, still unfolding, European backgrounds. Their practice has grown from formal studies in Painting, Printmaking and Dance to incorporate research, ritual and play-based collaboration. Their intuitive practice spans movement-based diagrammatic ritual alchemy, astrology, tarot, dreamwork and color magic.

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