Sorcery for Tattoos: A Live, Online Class with Diviner and Historian of Magic Dr. Alexander Cummins

Sorcery for Tattoos: A Live, Online Class with Diviner and Historian of Magic Dr. Alexander Cummins

from 50.00

Saturday, September 25
Time: 4pm ET - 6pm ET
Admission: $55 regular/$50 for Patreon Members at the 5$/above level

PLEASE NOTE: All classes will also be recorded and archived for students who cannot make that time

Join Dr. Alexander Cummins for a one day class exploring the magic of tattooing and the tattooing of magic!

Tattooing can be a fundamentally magical process. From initial vision and exploration of image; to collaboration with a ritual artist; to the sitting and the manifestation; to the healing and integrating. But what kind of particular occult philosophy or sorcerous practices might help us make the most of this fundamentally magical process? 

The class will focus the ways in which tattooing - both receiving and producing - can be approached magically. Some historical groundwork and precedent will be explored, before considering the practical necessities, possibilities, and implications for (further) ritualizing the planning, implementation, and integration of body art and artisanship. 

Specifically, this class will analyze and offers suggestions for making meaningful, purposeful art; placement of markings on the body; utilizing magical timing to empower your sessions and the final work; consecration techniques for self and space; explorations of image magic in theory and practice for developing tattoo content; and the uses of divination to help make meaningful decisions about these matters.

So join professional diviner, consultant sorcerer, and historian of magic Dr Alexander Cummins as he guides you through pre-modern ideas about the intrinsic magic of image making, of glyphs and marks, and of embodiment. Amongst other things, we will explore how divination can help finalize designs; how the use of various incenses, anointing oils, and asperging waters can help ensure a consecrated ritual space; how a variety of astrological timings can be observed to best infuse particular energies and virtues into the process and final piece; and what to note of various aspects of embodiment in a magical practice of spiritual empowerment. And we will of course also discuss the use of sigils, seals, pentacles, and other magical glyphs in tattooing as forms of "inked spell-craft". 

Dr. Alexander Cummins is a magician, diviner, historian, and poet whose work focuses on magical books, demonology, geomancy, and folk magic as well as love divination and enchantment. His doctoral research centered on magic and the emotions in the pre-modern world.

Image: Human skin, tattooed with eye, France, 1830-1900. Credit: Science Museum, London.

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