Peculiar Paris: The Shadow Side of the City of Light with Tarot Scholar Laetitia Barbier and Cemetery Expert Allison C. Meier

Peculiar Paris: The Shadow Side of the City of Light with Tarot Scholar Laetitia Barbier and Cemetery Expert Allison C. Meier

from $2,200.00

Thursday October 10 - Tuesday October 15, 2024 (begins the afternoon of October 10 and ends on the afternoon of October 15)

1 traveler/single hotel room $2,200; 2 travelers/double room $4,200
(Includes five nights accommodation, ground transportation, museum admissions, soirée at the Maison Frochot with food and drinks, one group dinner, 7-day subway card, and guided visits. Airfare and additional meals not included.)

Please note: Refunds (minus 10% processing and administrative fees) are available until June 10. After this date, only 50% of the ticket price (minus 10% processing and administrative fees) will be refunded. No refunds available after September 1.

* Intimate group limited to 10 attendees
* Travel insurance recommended
* Please be advised: this trip will involve a great deal of walking and use of public transportation.

This October, embark on a five-day journey into the "other Paris," as Lucy Sante might say, with former Parisienne Laetitia Barbier and cemetery expert Allison C. Meier. Going against the grain of tourist-filled avenues and quaint Parisian scenery, this journey will lead us into the esoteric, extraordinary, and often underground worlds of the French capital. We’ll visit the places people don’t get to go, sneak around private streets, revel in a haunted manor in the heart of the red-light district, enjoy drinks in a psychedelic shrine filled with doppelgangers, feast in a famous haunted house, and travel through time to piece together the reminiscence of a discreetly magical city. 


  • Historical and Esoteric Tarot from the Museum of Playing Cards Collection: A special tour with curator Gwenael Beuchet
    Housing an extensive collection of antique and modern cards from across the globe, this little-known institution explores the fascinating evolution of card games, Tarot decks, and their cultural significance. Beuchet’s tour will focus on Tarot as a game and its pivotal role in the development of the French occult revival.

  • The Carnival Arts Museum (Le Musee des Arts Forains)
    We’ll take a whimsical dive into the festive spirit and showmanship of old-time fairs and cabarets. Le Musee des Arts Forains houses a jaw-dropping collection of 19th and early 20th-century carnival rides and carousels, vintage games, and fairground artifacts. The immersive experience brings history to life with interactive exhibits where guests can ride merry-go-rounds and explore lavishly decorated theatrical sets.

  • David Sphaeros’ Psychedelic Shrine
    Join us for a happy hour and special tour of David Sphaeros' lair, where the polymorphic artist and musician—founder of the noir psychedelia band Aqua Nebula Oscillator—has transformed his 17th-century cave atelier into a surrealist wunderkammer. Amid his life-size doppelgangers and gracefully bizarre creations, Sphaeros will regale us with stories as we enjoy drinks and explore his artistic sanctuary, a realm that blends dark mystique with the fantastical. Everyone in Paris knows about it, but very few have ever managed to get in. And yet, we will!

  • Visit of the Père Lachaise Cemetery
    Located in Paris' 20th arrondissement, Père Lachaise Cemetery is the city's largest and most iconic cemetery. Established in 1804, it spans over 100 acres and is renowned for its serene, otherworldly ambiance, often serving as a backdrop for vampire films and nearly every 80s goth kid photoshoot.

    Massive cemetery nerds Allison and Laetitia will lead you to the final resting place of many notable figures, including Oscar Wilde and his now “kiss-proof” tomb, Marcel Proust, Alan Kardec, founder of Spiritism, famed fortune-teller Mademoiselle Lenormand and 18th-century Phantasmagoria impresario Roberston. Guests will be invited to wander on their own through its winding pathways to admire its elaborate tombs, sculptures, mausoleums and meet the extraordinary fauna (cats, ravens and occasional foxes) for whom the necropolis is a safe nest. 

  • The Curiouser Montmartre
    Enjoy a special walking tour in the less touristy part of Montmartre, and visit the Saint Rita Shrine, the unofficial patron of the neighborhood sex-workers. We’ll also take a quick look at the Montmartre Cemetery and visit the tomb of disco queen Dalida as well as the Samson, a dynasty of executioners. Our tour will include some of the architectural gems of the area, the back streets, le Moulin de la Galette, the busy Place du Tertre, and more! 

  • Soiree at Haunted Maison Frochot
    Nicknamed the "most haunted house in Paris," this neo-Gothic townhouse has become shrouded in local legend and mystery, owing to an unresolved murder and a past filled with eerie occurrences within its walls. Nestled in a private street near Pigalle's red light district, Maison Frochot has changed ownership multiple times, partly because of its tales of ghosts and tragedies, and is now the private home of a medium who doubles as a piano virtuoso.

    For one exceptional night, we’ll feast and enjoy the full three-story house, its medieval chamber, chinoiserie room, and the winding staircase. We'll be treated to a captivating history of the house by its owner, followed by a presentation by scholar and historian Philippe Baudouin. Baudouin will delve into the lore of haunted houses and play recordings captured during investigations hinting at spectral presences. 

  • A Full Day at Les Puces de Saint Ouen, the Legendary Paris Flea Market
    Sundays are for antiquing, and Paris is probably the most wonderful and last place where you can still find extraordinary things while not necessarily breaking the bank. Join black-belt flea marketer Laetitia, who spent nearly all her Parisian years exploring the different marchés, where she'll introduce you to the most intriguing peddlers and help you find your antique white whale.

  • Museum of Comparative Anatomy
    The Museum of Comparative Anatomy, known as the Galerie d'Anatomie Comparée in French, is part of Paris' National Museum of Natural History. Established in 1898 and housed in the Jardin des Plantes, this grand art nouveau museum boasts an extensive collection of skeletal specimens from both the human and animal realms. Through its epically scaled exhibits, it highlights the anatomical similarities and differences between species, offering a fascinating exploration of evolutionary connections across the animal kingdom. 

  • Literary and Alchemical Saint Michel Walking Tour
    We'll spend an afternoon strolling through the Latin Quarter, exploring remnants of alchemical Paris and passing by some of its most iconic literary landmarks. We'll stop at Un Regard Moderne, the best bookstore in Paris, roam in passages, see Le Procope, and the Beat Hotel, where William Burroughs finished writing Naked Lunch and Brion Gysin once lived.

  • The Catacombs of Paris
    Paris Catacombs is a vast underground ossuary that holds the remains of over six million people. Situated 65 feet below ground, this labyrinth of tunnels was created in the late 18th century to address overcrowding in Parisian cemeteries. Bones from various cemeteries were transferred and carefully arranged along the walls of the passageways, resulting in an eerie yet fascinating necropolis. 

  • Where We’ll Stay
    In the 11th arrondissement, where Parisians actually live, for authentic fun far from touristy areas. We're just five minutes from Rue Oberkampf, Laetitia’s old neighborhood, a hub of great cafes, vintage stores and culinary delights, and mere steps from Hors Circuits, a mecca of strange films and rare DVDs. We’ll be walking distance from Parmentier subway station and the magnificent Saint Ambroise Church. 

This trip includes: 

  • Five nights at Hotel des Métallos

  • A 7-day subway card for seamless city exploration

  • Numerous opportunities to savor wine, cheese and other local delicacies, starting with our first evening welcome toast, our “aperitif” at Sphaeros and at Belladone Antiques on Sunday at the Flea Market 

  • Access to all activities, museums, curators tours and walking tours

  • An exclusive soirée at the secretive Maison Frochot, complete with food and drinks

  • A comfortable drive home after the soirée

  • A Monday evening group dinner at Chez Justine, a beloved local restaurant in the vicinity of our hotel

This trip does not include: 

  • Plane Ticket: Round-trip airfare is not included.

  • Meals: Participants are responsible for most of their breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. The neighborhood offers a range of options, from vibrant restaurants to supermarkets and "traiteurs" for quick meals on the go. Paris is brimming with diverse food choices to suit various dietary needs.

  • Hotel Breakfast: The hotel provides a sit-down breakfast option for an additional fee, although you're welcome to join us for a café on the terrace, as it’s the tradition!

  • Insurance: Travel insurance is not included and must be arranged individually.

  • Extra Hotel Nights: Any additional nights beyond the five nights included will be your responsibility to book. Laetitia is available to help you navigate your hotel search, explore neighborhoods of interest, and provide personalized recommendations.

A Note on Transportation
Due to the extensive construction and renovations in Paris, navigating by car has become quite challenging. Just ask a Parisian cab driver, and they'll confirm it! For efficiency's sake, we'll primarily use Paris' public transportation system and do most activities on foot. Please consider this when booking your ticket. The trip will also be quite flexible, allowing those who need a break to explore on their own for an afternoon. Your guides will always be available to provide assistance and guidance. 

PLEASE NOTE: Programs and activities subject to change


French-born Laetitia Barbier is an independent scholar, as well as a professional tarot reader and teacher. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Art History from La Sorbonne University Paris in 2009. Laetitia has worked with Morbid Anatomy from 2012 to 2024 as a programming director, head librarian, and occasional curator. Her book Tarot and Divination Cards: A Visual Archive was published in 2021 with a foreword by Rachel Pollack. She is the author of the Tiger Tarot Guide Book, a unique Tarot deck by symbolist artist Lori Field. Laetitia has lectured, taught and read cards for various cultural institutions, such as Greenwood Cemetery, Artyard, Fotografiska NY, the College of Psychic Studies in London or the New York Public Library. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Allison C. Meier is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and researcher. Her book Grave was published this year by Bloomsbury as part of the Object Lessons book series. She is the editor of Fine Books & Collections magazine and has bylines in the New York Times, CityLab, National Geographic, Smithsonian, and many other publications. She is a licensed NYC sightseeing guide who regularly leads tours in cemeteries. 

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