Cooking with the Dead: A Zine of Tombstone Recipes by Bronwyn Hazelwood, Allison C. Meier, and Claire Voon.

Cooking with the Dead: A Zine of Tombstone Recipes by Bronwyn Hazelwood, Allison C. Meier, and Claire Voon.


This illustrated zine compiles—and samples!—recipes found on tombstones around the world. These recipes, carved and etched on granite gravestones, dictate—sometimes hazily—the instructions for delicious fare such as cookies, cobblers, and bread. Scouring cemeteries and the internet, its makers collected and attempted seven of these kitchen formulas, found in burial grounds from Alaska to Israel.

The zine includes the recipes, along with photographs of the authors’ attempts to make each recipe as a tribute to the chefs who loved them so much they literally took them to their graves. The 20-page zine also includes a selection of food-themed epitaphs, as well as some recipes the authors would consider for thier own final resting places.

'Cooking with the Dead' is a collaboration between Bronwyn Hazelwood, Allison C. Meier, and Claire Voon.

This zine is printed in color and measures 5.5" x 8.5" and has a staple binding.

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