FREE EVENT: Strange Frequencies: Paperback Release Launch and Discussion with Authors Peter Bebergal and Mark Pilkington

FREE EVENT: Strange Frequencies: Paperback Release Launch and Discussion with Authors Peter Bebergal and Mark Pilkington

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Date: February 5
Time: 11 am EST

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Tonight, join Peter Bebergal and Mark Pilkington for a conversation about the themes and weird technologies found in Peter’s book Strange Frequencies: The Extraordinary Story of the Technological Quest for the Supernatural, which Alan Moore called “An absorbing, comprehensive guide to the high-definition séance parlor of the modern world” and just out in paperback. Peter and Mark will talk about golems, automata and the uncanny valley, dreamachines, radionics, technomancy, and EVPs. Their talk will be followed by a Q&A.

Peter Bebergal is a writer and critic whose work has appeared in The Paris Review, The New Yorker website, Tablet, TLS, Slate, and The Believer, among others. My most recent books on the occult and the supernatural are Strange Frequencies and Season of the Witch, and Appendix N, an edited volume of pulp fantasy fiction for Strange Attractor Press.

Mark Pilkington is a writer, publisher and musician based in Wiltshire, UK. As well as contributing a foreword to Strange Frequencies, Mark founded and co-runs Strange Attractor Press and is the author of the book and film Mirage Men. He writes regularly on forteana, esoterica and cultural high strangeness for numerous magazines, journals and anthologies, most recently the Magic volume in the Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art series. He also makes electronic music with Teleplasmiste, Luminous Foundation and others.

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